


This new website is proudly build with Hugo!

While I learned a lot about React development and all other iterations of this website were build with some website building platform (e.g. Wordpress), this iteration is build on the static website generator Hugo. As I did not want to change too much of the design before, but also did not want to port the previously used Wordpress skin, I opted for devloping my own Hugo theme from scratch. Simple and streamlined, but still readable and somewhat scaleable for many platforms.

It was way easier than imagined to develop on top of the templating system of Hugo and will definetly become my goto for future simple websites.

As this website is not compiled for every update and served statically, some feature are now not possible anymore like counting download. Others are now easily possible, like showing when this website was last compiled: 15. Oct. 2024 (some update, somewhere on the site)