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Optimierte Graphextraktion und Pfadvorhersage für die Anwendung im Redirected Walking
This work is one of my seminar papers from my computer science courses. It covers different techniques in virtual reality redirected walking techniques.
Google QPX API (Google Flight)
Recently I was asked how to find the cheapest flights via JavaScript to use it on a website. The best possibility I found was the Google QPX API, which is the API behind Google Flights.
Due to a pro-seminar i had to write last semester, i questioned myself how to calculate the center of mass of a 2D shape. In the papers i read about the topic everywhere it was considered “simple”, but was never discussed. Back then i just accepted …
Web Crawler
After a long time, it was time to develop something new. This time i wanted to go towards web and bots. For this i designed this tool, which serves a “sort of useful” purpose, by surfing the web automatically und looking at its text.
Register Machine (RAM)
As a theoretical model of a computer, the register machine is a Turing complete model, thus an alternative to the Turing-machine. It accepts programs in a form similar to assemble code and executes them.
Mastermind is a logic game for everyone. To beat the game, you have to guess a code, that the other player (here the computer) has chosen. In this variant the code is made from digits (0-9).
Matrix2Wolfram Online
As an alternative to the Visual Basic version, this tool can convert a matrix which is written in a normal matrix style (rows separated by new line and columns separated by spaces) to the Wolfram|Alpha style with curly-brackets.
Due to a request: KeySmasher! This tool presses a given key in a defined pace.
Trader Code Generator
These two tools are mode to generate the code that can be inserted into the config of any trader in the Minecraft modification Citizens. There are two versions of this tool, one written in Excel and one in Visual Basic Classic.

I want more!